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Our teams represent the school community and provide a vital link between our service centres and our school community, they also represent the many value-added functions we provide to the school, the students, and the school community.


The Executive Committee - focuses on key operational requirements of the P&C and provides support to each of our sub-committees and specialist representatives. This includes finance and insurances, people, planning and staffing, administration, communication and managing special projects as needed.  Watch the P&C Federation guide for Office Bearers


Our Sub-committees - are formed by a P&C Association to undertake specific planning and/or management tasks on behalf of the P&C Association. Our Sub-committees are a vital link between our service centres and our parents and ensures that the needs of the parents are considered in the delivery of our services. 

There are two types of sub-committees:

  • Standing: These sub-committees have an ongoing role, such as band, BASC, canteen, uniform and environment/kitchen garden.

  • Ad-hoc: These sub-committees are formed to acquit specific tasks, such as a fundraising activity, event or special project identified by the P&C or its members. These subcommittees cease to exist after the task is finished.


Sub-committees are fully accountable to the P&C Association and need to table a written report to each P&C Association’s general meeting. Learn more here


Our General Members

Are financial members and can attend General and Sub-committee meetings and have voting rights for all motions presented at a General Meeting or Annual General Meeting.  New members are always welcome - learn more here



Our teams are invited to meetings by the relevant Convenor.  

Sub-committee meetings are also open to all financial members of the P&C and the dates must be advertised.  We usually do this by email and a minimum of seven-day's notice is required.


Meeting Schedule:


Weeks 1-3 

Sub-committee meetings - open to financial members


Week 4 - Tuesday

Finance Meeting


Week 5 - Tuesday

Exec Meeting


Week 7 - Tuesday

General Meeting - a representative of each sub-committee is required to attend and is open to financial members, new members and observers.



Reports are prepared by each committee every school term. The reports available to all team members prior to the General Meeting.


Committee Resources are available for all our team members.



The information within this website is intended as a resource for parents and citizens, and relates primarily to activities funded or managed by the P&C. 

Please feel free to contribute to the site: send us your feedback

Manly West Public School has its own website which can be accessed here.


Copyright Manly West P&C Association 2021  Privacy

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